Jharkhand State Livelihood Promotion Society (JSLPS) in partnership with IPE Global Limited, New Delhi (an international development sector consulting organization) and with the support of Jharkhand Industrial Area Development Authority (JIADA), Bokaro Region has conducted an Industry Association workshop at Bokaro Industrial Area Development Authority (BIADA) Bhawan . Notably JSLPS has partnered with IPE Global Limited for conducting a statewide “SKILL GAP ANALYSIS” under DDU-GKY scheme in Jharkhand. This study aims to understand the gaps in the demand and supply of skills in the labour market and forecast the projected job requirements in various sectors for the next five years. The workshop will enable better alignment of demand and supply of skills in the labour market and would also help in addressing the mismatch between the industry requirement and the current educational and training ecosystem in the state.
The workshop witnessed the participation of government representatives and industry partners from Bokaro, Dhanbad and Giridih. The event started with a welcome note by Keerthishree G, IAS, DDC, and Regional Director- JIADA Bokaro, followed by an inaugural address by Bishnu Parida, COO, JSLPS. Saidatta Muktikanta Swain, Consultant-Placement, Industrial Partnership & Job Fair Coordination, JSLPS then briefed the scope and the intended outcomes of the project which was then followed by initiations of various sessions with the industry representatives. Gaurav Verma, Associate Director, IPE Global, moderated the sessions covering areas like gaps and challenges in the demand and supply of manpower, the industry’s involvement in strengthening the skilling ecosystem, and best practices to reduce out-migration and enhance diversity and inclusions. The participants shared their views on labour and employment status of the state specific to their region, the impact of automation in the industry and their readiness for industrial revolution 4.0.