Under the latest and popular online series of Indira Gandhi Rashtriya Manav Sangrahalaya entitled ‘Exhibit of the week’ Dangsa-A Cane Basket Collected from Konyak Naga communities of Mon, Nagaland in 1998 displayed in the audience as the fourth Exhibit of the month of December 2023 through official website, Facebook, Instagram and twitter page of the IGRMS.
In this regard AmithabhPandey,Director,IGRMS said that the Dangsa is a skull basket made of fine strips of bamboo woven in hexagonal weave with a rectangular base that rose to an elliptical rim. It has a strap for hanging around the shoulder.
The outer surface of the basket is covered by a leaf and five monkey skulls are attached to the front portion of the basket. It is used to carry personal belongings. It is one of the insignia of successful head-takers in the days of head hunting practices among the Nagas.